The Pickle Blog

  • Drinking Pickle Juice for a Hangover Cure

    One thing we see people asking online is “Is pickle juice good for a hangover”. Traditionally Pickle Juice has long been considered a remedy for hangovers due to its high electrolyte content and its ability to replenish key nutrients lost...

  • Just a splash – how to make the most of your leftover pickling liquid

    Just a splash – how to make the most of your leftover pickling liquid

    Have you pickled everything you desire and found yourself with a small quantity of leftover Sylt? There is no need to be alarmed, as there is a plethora of situations where a small amount of pickling liquid can go a long way – and save you from wasting those precious drops.
  • pickles in a jar

    How to Sterilise Pickling Jars (If you haven’t got a dishwasher!)

    Preserving your favourite fruits and vegetables through pickling is a fantastic way to enjoy their flavours year-round. But for successful pickling, it's crucial to start with clean, sterile jars to prevent any spoilage. In this short Sylt guide, we'll walk...

  • 8 ways to cook with your leftover pickle liquid 

    8 ways to cook with your leftover pickle liquid 

    As many pickleheads will know, Sylt pickling liquid is made from a base of vinegar then creatively flavoured to give the distinctive tastes you know and love. But what you may not know is that this acidic base from the...

  • glass of pickle colada cocktail. garnished with pickled pineapple and lime.

    Not just for pickling. Six alternate uses of Pickling Liquid

    For any pickle lovers out there like ourselves you may be under the impression that the fun stops when the pickles run out. Wrong! Here at Sylt we care about sustainability, and reusing our pickling juice is all part of the process.