Carrot and Pickled Ginger Soup
We are firmly locked into soup season at the moment and that means we all want to be warm and cozy in every possible way. What's the best way to warm up at this time of year that doesn't cost...
How to Make Your Own Piccalilli
Here’s a recipe for traditional piccalilli using Sylt Pickling’s Dill & Mustard spiced pickling liquid. It combines the tangy, spiced flavours of traditional piccalilli with the unique infusion from the pickling liquid. This recipe is tried and tested one, but...
Chilli Pineapple Jam
Ash here, self-appointed head of jams and chutneys at Sylt Pickling. It's no secret that we're a big fan of pickling pineapple, but the question we often get in response to telling people is that is 'what should I use...