Sylt's Founders

  • Ash Ringhus

    After being a staunch opponent of anything vinegar preserved for years, Ash finally saw the light after being force fed gherkins by his now-fiancée. Having developed a mild addiction to the stuff, he concieved the idea of making pickling liquid in desperation of not having any available for his fish tacos.

    Ash's professional background is in media, having worked several years for as the first, and presumably last ever foreign correspondent for his local Norwegian newspaper. In his spare time he enjoys cooking unnecessary long and slow meals, the odd game of football, trout fishing and woodworking. 

  • Temi Olugbenga

    After first being presented with the idea for Sylt in his back garden one late autumn evening in 2020, Temi was sold. Since then, he has not looked back, developing both a keen sense of what makes a good pickle, and more importantly – how you make a good pickle. He is also the resident baker, with more than one pickled crumble in his locker.

    Temi is the hub of commercial know-how at Sylt, with his previous role being Commercial Director at the Ladder Group. In his personal life, Temi is a mentor and trustee of Springboard’s National Anti Racism Steering Committee. Temi is also an avid music maker and self professed F1 geek.

About Sylt

Sylt was founded in 2021 by friends and former colleagues Ash Ringhus and Temi Olugbenga. We set out to solve what we deemed to be a huge problem – how long it took to pickle things at home, due to the time it took to boil and cool down the vinegar based solution. Back then, the only way of circumventing this tedious process was to buy ready-pickled produce, but then you encountered a different issue – your choice of different pickled produce awfully restricted. 

Our solution to this problem was, and still is for that matter, ready made pickling liquids – which takes the most tedious step out of the process, while still enabling you to pickle whatever your heart desires.

Sylt's mission

To pickle ourselves silly, and enabling you to do the same, underpinned by three core objectives; to educate, to entice and to experiment.


Pickling has long been on the fringes of the culinary world and can often be intimidating to recreational foodies. We want to change this and provide entertaining and educational content that aids people when they venture into the wonderful world of vinegar based preservation.


Rather than simply creating a product that is ready to consume off the shelf, we want to entice people to get stuck into pickling themselves, by eliminating the most tedious (and smelliest) part of the process – making it easier than ever before to pickle at home


Our love for food is born from our desire to create and experiment and we want to share that. Our range of pickling vinegar is designed to cater to a wide range of cuisines, serving as excellent vehicles for incorporating different flavours to your dishes and enabling you to experiment with new flavour combos.

Sylt's vision

A world full of pickle enthusiasts. Where pickling is easier, more fun and exciting than it has ever been – and a staple part of pantries worldwide.

Sylt's purpose

To aid in the reduction of food waste and to help you eat healthier without compromising on the most important thing of all – flavour.