Pickle Yourself Silly

By Sylt Pickling

The Cuban Sandwich

The Cuban Sandwich, also known as a Cubano, traces its history back to the homeland of Cuba. It evolved as a popular lunch food for workers in the late 1800s Havana and latterly Key West. It gained popularity among the Cuban immigrant communities in Florida, especially in Tampa and Miami, blending local ingredients with traditional Cuban flavours.

The sandwich is a reflection of the cultural melting pot, incorporating elements from various immigrant groups in Florida, making it a staple of Cuban-American cuisine. The pickles add a sharpness and extra crunch, and we guarantee you that a delightful eating experience awaits at the end.

Cuban bread is a staple for making an authentic Cuban sandwich. It's known for its thin crust and soft, slightly chewy interior. In the UK, a good alternative to Cuban bread could be a soft baguette or Italian ciabatta bread, as these varieties offer a similar texture and are more readily available. These alternatives help maintain the integrity of the sandwich's traditional profile, providing a suitable base for the delicious fillings. That being said, if you can be bothered to make them yourself (they are not that hard), you will be in for an absolute treat and will have a significantly better sandwich experience.

The Cuban Sandwich features a combination of ham, salami and roast pork, creating a rich and savoury taste profile. The ham offers a slightly sweet and salty flavour, while the roast pork brings a depth of taste and tenderness to the sandwich. Together, they provide a delicious contrast in textures and flavours, enhanced by the other ingredients like Swiss cheese, mustard and, of course, pickles making the sandwich a well-rounded and satisfying meal.
